Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Geography for 1C and 1/3

Hihi 1C and 1/3!

Let's quickly look at what we have done for geography so far!

I have basically covered chapter 4 these two weeks. This chapter looks at MAPS. The different kinds of maps, the different uses of maps, the different elements of a map such as scales and symbols and also an introduction to atlas.

Here are the very important things to take note for this chapter: the types of map, the uses, the elements and longitude and latitude. It is of utmost importance to know how to find a location from the atlas using a location's longitude and latitude.

The world map above shows all the major continents and oceans. It is very important for all of you to memorise the locations of the continents and oceans as you have seen in your common test 1. Apart from these, the map also shows you the longitude and latitude.

Longitude are vertical and range from 180 degrees West to 180 degrees East. The 0 degree longitude is called the Prime Meridien or the Greenwich Meridien. If you look at a globe instead of a flat map, the lines will follow the curvature of the Earth. The 180 degree West Longitude will meet the 180 degrees East longtitude. Approximately along the 180 degree Longitude line is also the International Date Line. The international date line is not straight as they do not want to cut the countries up. It will be so confusing if one country had two dates on a day wouldn't it? So basically, the longitude lines help to determine the time and date at any location.

The latitudes are horizontal and range from 90 degrees North to 90 degress South. 0 degree latitude is called the equator and that's where Singapore is on! The half of the Earth above the equator is called the Northern Hemisphere and the half below is called the Southern Hemisphere. So remember: High UP in the NORTH lives 90 hammys! and DOWN SOUTH lives another 90 hammys! They can never meet because they're on two ends of Earth! How far a country is from the equator determines the weather the country experiences. So countries on the equator, such as Singapore are tropical countries while countries high up in the North and in the South are freezing cold!

So why are longitudes and latitudes so important! Because! Every location on Earth has a unique longitude and latitude. That means that by giving you the longitude and latitude of a place, you would be able to exactly locate the place on the atlas! I have demonstrated to you in class how to go about finding the location of a place given the longitude and latitude. Hope you still remember how! Besides knowing how to read the location of a place, you also have to be able to label the world map clearly given the lines!

To give you a little bit more practice, try the quizzes on these websites:


Hope the quizzes will help you make all of you less confused! If anyone still has problems, feel free to ask me either in school or comment here! I hope all of you learn well and do well for your common test 2, which will be on the 2nd week of term 2! =)

Next week, we will be doing something more interesting! We will learn how to read a topographical map and that involves plenty of hand-on! See you then!

Homework for 1/3 this week: Ideabank Worksheet on Longitude Latitude due on Monday, 9/3
Homework for 1/2 this week: Workbook to be due on Thursday, 5/3

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