Sunday, March 8, 2009

English for 1B: Past Tense

Hello 1B!

You were excellent in class today and i really enjoyed today's class! Please keep it up! I hope you had fun watching the videos too! =)

Just a quick recap on what we did today:

1) Nouns.
This time around, most of you have understood what nouns are! Very good! If you recall from the video, a noun is a person, place or thing. Nouns are also the subjects of sentences. You cannot have a sentence that does not have a noun. If any of you would like to watch the video again, here it is, again.

2) Verbs.
After revising nouns, we looked at verbs. Verbs are "action words". That means that they describe an action, for example, ms wu is TYPING. "ms wu" is a noun and the subject of the sentence, while TYPING is the action and the verb. There are some nouns that can be changed into verbs by adding -ing. For example, games -> gaming, cart -> carting, place -> placing.
Here is the video we watched in class.

3) Lastly, the star of today's class was "Simple Past Tense".
I believe all of you know what past tense is. Past tense refers to an action that has already been carried out. For example, I am typing now -> I typed just now. While past tense may seem simple and unimportant, that is because most of us have already taken it for granted! Past tense is very important! Without it, we would not be able to tell if an action has been done or not. Just like if i asked you:"Have you finished your homework?", most of you would answer "Yes! I finished the work!" and some of you would say "No, I never finish." Without past tense, i would not have been able to tell who had finished and who had not.

To change a verb from present tense to past tense, we normally add -ed to the word, like pull -> pulled. We call these words regular verbs. There are also words that we have the change the spelling of in order to change it to past tense, like write -> wrote. These are irregular verbs. It is not very necessary for you to remember regular verbs and irregular verbs as there are too many words out there for you to memorise. It is however, important that you read often so that words come to you naturally.

And lastly, as requested by many of you, here is the absolutely cute roadrunner video again! Enjoy!

Do tag so that i know that you have been here! Keep up the good behaviour 1B! =)

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