Tuesday, March 17, 2009

English for 1C: Vocab

Hi 1C!

As promised, here are the vocab answers for the past 2 newspaper articles we have done. Most of you have tried to find the words and gotten close to the right answer but probably put it in the wrong column. Nonetheless, it is good that you learn how to fit the meanings correctly as it's important for your vocab in comprehension questions. Please do your corrections!!

1) Teochew graveyard's buried treasures

a. Remnants: Column A: left over
Column B: a surviving, trace; a surviving group of people
b. draped: Column A: cover, dress
Column B: adjust into folds; arrange, hang
c. cheek by jowl: Column A: side by side
Column B: -
d. arduous: Column A: full of hardships, difficult
Column B: requires much energy; hard to climb
e. piecemeal: Column A: piece by piece
Column B: make into pieces/fragments
f. augur: Column A: promise of, an omen of
Column B: soothsayer; to divine
g. replicate: Column A: duplicate, reproduce exactly
Column B: bend or fold backwards
h. moonlights: Column A: work a part-time job on top of a full-time job
Column B: -

2) Tough love shows parents care

a. livid: Column A: enraged
Column B: reddish/flushed; bruise
b. perceived: Column A: recognize
Column B: -
c. withdrawn: Column A: quiet, aloof
Column B: removed from circulation
d. stemming: Column A: arise, originate
Column B: -
e. revelation: Column A: something not realized before
Column B: -
f. galvanised: Column A: startle into sudden activity
Column B: coat with zinc
g. cohesive: Column A: unified
Column B: causing cohesion

I know it has been awhile since we did the newspaper articles. But i hope that as you copy these answers, you also think about why yours were wrong okay? And try to get it right for the newspaper article you will be handing up to me on MONDAY! =) Thanks! Hope all of you are enjoying your holidays so far! I had fun at Sentosa with the bunch of you yesterday! Soaking wet fun!

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